• Great news that you want to join us! Your LRR membership will be valid until 31 Mar 2024.

    We have three types of membership depending on your affiliation with England Athletics (EA)*:

    1. Affiliated: £35

    - the LRR membership (£18)
    - the EA membership (£17)

    2. Second claim: £18

    If you are already affiliated to EA with another club but would like to participate in LRR training, you only pay the LRR membership fee.

    3. Unaffiliated: £18

    LRR membership only (£18), which allows you to participate in LRR training.

    *The benefits to members can be found at www.englandathletics.org/athletes/athlete-registration#Benefits. Both LRR and EA memberships run from 1 April to 31 March the following year.
  • If registering more than one person, please enter the name of the lead member first.

Account set-up not complete. Administrator – please ensure that you have selected how you would like to receive payment and who pays the transaction fees. Go to Admin > Settings to enter this information.