• Welcome to Rollesby Broad Sailing Club Registration.
    You will be asked over the next few pages to give us your and your family's personal details together with details of any boats you wish to berth at the club.
    We will not request payment at this stage because your registration will require committee approval and we would like to meet you at the club, introduce ourselves and show you around.
    Once we have met you we will send you an electronic request for payment. Alternatively you can pay by cheque or cash when we meet up at the Club.
    RBSC Annual Membership runs from April to March and Winter Membership runs from October to March.
    Membership and berthing fees are available on our website and on the dropdowns below.
    Where you are setting up a second and further members, the system will copy details from the previous one leaving first name blank. Please remember to edit the club help and race duty sections.
    If you have any queries please contact Pete or Rachel on 01953 606334. They will be only too pleased to help.

  • If registering more than one person, please enter the name of the lead member first.

Account set-up not complete. Administrator – please ensure that you have selected how you would like to receive payment and who pays the transaction fees. Go to Admin > Settings to enter this information.