• Welcome to CR CATS.

    We have a number of different memberships available.

    If you are unsure about which membership category to select, please email the membership secretary (crcats.membership@gmail.com) for help.

    We continue to use online membership again this year. We have learnt that the system can time out - so PLEASE GO AND LOOK FOR YOUR PAYMENT CARD NOW!! - if you look for it later the system falls over :)

    FAMILY MEMBERSHIPS - a few notes
    Family membership can comprise, adults, students, juniors and non-paddlers. The first person entered is the "Lead Member". Most of their details are then copied on to the next member's form. PLEASE CHECK THESE CAREFULLY, they might not be right for the next member!
    Please tick the box for junior family members. After you have completed all the membership forms for your family, you will then be asked to completed an extra form for any juniors to give parent/guardian details and completed parental consent.
    On the payment screen, there is one payment per family. You will see each of your family members listed, and a line linked to the parental consent form for juniors.

    As we are a registered charity we are able to claim Gift Aid on your membership fees - if you are eligible, please complete this

    If you see any errors, or ideas on how to make it better, please get in touch!
  • If registering more than one person, please enter the name of the lead member first.

Account set-up not complete. Administrator – please ensure that you have selected how you would like to receive payment and who pays the transaction fees. Go to Admin > Settings to enter this information.